Blog and Activities

Montessori: A Method Adapted to Senior Care

Did you know that the Montessori method isn’t used exclusively with children? More and more nursing homes are asking their…

Beyond One’s Life Story

For several decades now, new residents have been welcomed into nursing homes with the perspective that thorough knowledge of each…


Il est parfois difficile de comprendre pourquoi du jour au lendemain notre proche ne semble plus capable de faire une…

“Post-Caregiving ”

“Post-caregiving” is not an official term, nor is it generally recognized by caregivers or workers. In a very factual way,…

Focusing on What Works

We often talk about giving back power to seniors in loss of autonomy to make them feel respected and supported.…

The Power of Reminiscence

Reminiscence is remembering past experiences. We do this natural social activity on a daily basis. It acts as a bridge…

Creating Strong Bonds

Some call them intergenerational activities, but to simplify, they are interactions between seniors in loss of autonomy and their grandchildren.

Reading With Seniors

There eventually comes a moment when we feel like a person with a loss of autonomy doesn’t feel like doing…

Relaxation Body Care

Certain people just can’t participate in discussions, whether it be because they are not capable of it anymore...