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Montessori: A Method Adapted to Senior Care

Did you know that the Montessori method isn’t used exclusively with children? More and more nursing homes are asking their caregivers to apply these principles with seniors. The Montessori method, initially thought for children, encourages them to learn at their own pace promoting self-confidence and autonomy.

Are you wondering how a pedagogy meant for children can be used with seniors? One could easily think that using this method would infantilize seniors. However, Maria Montessori made sure that the method she was creating was based on a universal vision of human beings by anchoring it with fundamental values such as respect for the individual and their uniqueness, maintaining their dignity as well as their confidence and potential. Thus, this method can easily be applied to persons of all ages.

Dr. Cameron Camp, world famous gerontologist, has developed this person-centered approach for seniors based on the Montessori method. The focus is on the person and their residual abilities rather than what they can’t accomplish anymore. Therefore, it is up to the caregivers to change their methods to give power and responsibility back to seniors by letting them make decisions themselves.

The hardest, yet most interesting, challenge is to identify what still makes sense for the person. It is important to focus on who the person is and what they like, in other words, to get to know them. For example, a resident had been demonstrating behavioural disorders until his caregivers took the time to truly get to know him by suggesting activities aligned with his interests.

Caregivers have developed an observation chart detailing these 4 capacities: motor, sensory, social and cognitive. They use this chart to note the different residual abilities of each person.

It is true that adopting the Montessori method can require rather drastic changes for some institutions. However, the positive effects these changes have on the people concerned cannot be ignored. Caregivers who care, who listen to their residents and who truly get to know the person in order to suggest activities aligned with their interests and what makes sense to them all the while empowering them can truly make a difference. They guarantee that seniors will age in happiness and dignity.

So, are you a Montessori method enthusiast?