Remin’Action Workshop

This workshop was developed with groups of seniors to meet their direct needs and is designed for ALL the people who revolve around them.

Remin’Action Workshop

The Remin’Action workshop was developed with groups of seniors to meet their direct needs. It has been designed for ALL the people who revolve around seniors and helps them organize and structure reminiscence groups for seniors with various autonomy levels.

This training offers more than simple conversations about “back in the day.” It provides the foundation for comprehensive discussions on popular subjects with the help of visual, olfactory and sensory tools.

It’s a program developed to help you organize and lead a senior’s reminiscence workshop. These sessions are very therapeutic for them as they encourage social interactions, enhance self-esteem, help preserve cultural heritage and enables them to make a positive life summary.

The great strength of this workshop is its ability to create a shared sense of community among residents. We all know the negative mental impacts of isolation in seniors and this new social dimension will certainly bring them comfort.

The great strength of this workshop is its ability to create a shared sense of community among residents.

The Workshop

The Remin’Action workshop is especially useful in helping with the technical side of organizing a group, providing many details such as who should attempt the activity, how many participants there should be, when, where, and how it should take place, etc.

Also, it is full of advice on how to improve communication with people with dementia in order to get more out of them in a group setting. The secret of Remin’Action is in the use of the right triggers when doing reminiscence activities. The Remin’Action guide has more than 100 detailed activities to support you in the successful creation of your own reminiscence group.

  • We offer the training in a virtual format. It will be given with an open camera and with the use of a microphone to participate in the conversations. The participant must therefore be alone in a room, without distractions or passers-by.
  • The cost of the training is $100 per person. This cost includes a 2.5-hour training session and the Remin’Action training manual (value of $39.95, delivery included);
  • To book your place or to have more information on the Remin’Action training, please fill out the form below.

Marie-France Dozois, trainer.

Improve the quality of life of seniors, whether independent or in loss of autonomy, and from all walks of life. This has been Marie-France’s objective for the past 27 years. She creates, fabricates and distributes a wide variety of products that are specifically thought for and designed for this precious clientele. She is the president and founder of CDS Boutique, your resource for therapeutic recreational products for seniors with different autonomy levels.

Marie-France developed the Remin’Action workshop after participating in various trainings in the US and in England with geriatric specialists. The Montessori method was amongst these trainings.

For more information or to book a training!

Please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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