It’s always great to get good ideas! Several recreation specialists have shared with us activities that their residents enjoy. Need some ideas? Get inspired by these activities that are sure to please!
1. Drive- through at your favourite restaurants
It’s always fun to meet up for coffee and chat! When we can’t get to the coffee shop, the coffee shop comes to us! That’s what CIUSSS MCQ Centre d’hébergement St-Joseph has done for its residents. The recreation specialists had the brilliant idea of distributing good coffee and Timbits. They went from room to room, using a facade that looked like a Tim Hortons. Residents felt like they were at the drive- through!
Trinity Village Care Centre also gave their residents the Tim Hortons experience! The recreation specialists set up signs on tables in the dining rooms and residents would come to the window to order. It was a simple idea that brought a lot of joy, and residents still talk about it.
For a person with Alzheimer’s disease or living with dementia, daily life offers an endless source of inspiration for planning friendly and useful activities. Everyday activities, such as going to a favourite restaurant for coffee, are a source of pleasure and comfort.
2. How well do you know chocolate?
TEveryone loves chocolate, but how much do you really know about it? That’s what the CIUSS de l’Estrie – CHUS Centre Villa Bonheur tried to find out by creating a game about this treat. While walking around with his cart, Louis asked residents and family members to participate in a quiz called “Do you know chocolate?”. The types of chocolate were displayed on his cart, giving participants a visual for each clue. This game allowed families to feel involved! Would you be able to guess which chocolate this is? 😉
Clue: I have a cherry inside; seniors know me well.
3. On your marks, get set, pinch!
This game of competition and fine motor skills allow residents, in teams of 2, to collect various objects on a table. The catch: they have tongs instead of hands! The team that collects the most objects on their table is crowned the winner of the game. To add some challenge, the recreation specialists added a countdown clock projected on the television in real time to help participants keep time and encourage their intrinsic motivation to hurry and to collect the objects. A game that consolidates teamwork, speed and fine motor skills while being really fun! An activity that allows you to be in the moment, here and now!
Be on the lookout for our next articles where we will share other activities!
Thank you again to everyone who shared their favourite activities with us! Organizing enjoyable activities with your residents, in addition to the material and moral support you can give them, goes far beyond the objective of having a good time together! You help them work on their memory, maintain their dexterity, stimulate their concentration, etc. The benefits are many!